Taken is the third installment of the sequel where Bryan Mills who is an ex-covert operative trying to re-bond with his daughter and reconcile with his ex-wife but tragically cut short when the ex-wife is brutally murdered in his apartment. He is on the run when he is framed for the crime and evaded countless pursuit of law enforcement.

Taken is very formulaic and very predictable. Not only formulaic and predictable but it has been done countless times. It seems no effort is put into the movie that it looks like they copied a few old action movies and stitched together.

The acting is pretty bad to the point of being cheesy. Liam Neesons’ portrayal of the main character Bryan Mills completely lacks charisma and cold. He does not have the same kind of excitement as Harrison Ford or Sylvester Stallone. I would say it is time to end sequels of this movie as there is nothing more to it and dumb. You may want to watch it on a weekend on Netflix but it is not recommended to spend money and time in a theater.

The only saving grace is Forest Whitaker who is a very talented actor; he made the most of his role as one of the supporting cast but this is beneath his set of skills.

It stars Liam Neeson as Mills, Forest Whitaker as Frank Dotzier, Maggie Grace as daughter Kim and directed by Oliver Megaton.

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